Friday, September 7, 2007

Historical Oral Presentation Selection

In an effort to eliminate redundant presentations, each student must select three individuals who they are interested in researching.

I will selection one of your three individuals on a first come, first served basis. However, in order for your selection to valid, you must post your selection with the following information:

Historical Figure:
Years of Life:
Historical Accomplishment:

Each choice is worth 3 points, your entire entry is worth 9 points.

To post your assignment, simply double click on the word 'comment' at the bottom of this posting. Then type your response in the comment box. Choose your identity as "other", and record your name by typing in only your fist name with a last letter initial (Jonny J.). Then click 'publish your comment.'


Anonymous said...

elizabeth 1 1533-1603

queen nizinga c.1582-1663

cathirin de' medici 1519-1589

Anonymous said...

1st.I want to be genghis khan 1167-1227 genghis khan was the mongol leader and a ruthless worrier.

2nd. I want to be sir isaac newton 1642-1727
sir issac newton discovered the laws of gravity.

3rd. Is prince shotoku 573-621
prince shotoku introduced political and religious reforms

Anonymous said...

1. RamsesII
1279-1213 B.C
Restored Egyptian power to Asia

2. Sir Isaac Newton
Discovered gravity

3. Augustus
Became Romes first emperor

Anonymous said...

First Choice:Paul of Tarsus(A.D.10-65)Was a jew who spread the word of Jesus. Second choice:Pericles(495-429 B.C)was a politicle leader. Third choic:Augustus(63 B.C. A.D. 14)extended the frontiers of all the Romen people.

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth 1 c.a.d 1533-1603

Emperess Theadora c.a.d 500-548 Queen

Murasaki Shikibu c.a.d c.a.d 973-1025 she was a great novelist

Anonymous said...

Alexander The Great 356-323 B.C.
Macedonian general and king

Zheng He 1371-1433
famous chinese navigator

most famous of all pharoahs.

Anonymous said...

David was born-death in a 1000-970 B.C.
He work for King Soul army and killed Goliath.

Paul of Tarsus SC.A.D 10-65 birth/death
Paul was the one who spread the word of Jesus.

John Locke 1632-1704 Birth/death
his father fought hard to get him a good school.

Anonymous said...

1st. Catherine De' Medici
Was the Queen of France

She was married at the age of 14 to a French Prince.

Lost her husband in a jousting accident in 1559.

After the accident Catherine arranged the murder of the man who killed her husband.

Later her son Francis the second, became the King of France.

2nd. Naomi moved to Moab when there wasn't very much food in Bethlehem, with her husband and 2 sons.

In Moab her oldest son married Ruth
'who I'll tell you about later.

Later Naomi's husband and sons died.

3rd. Ruth lived in Moab and married Naomi's son.

After the death of her husband Ruth lived with Naomi, who was moving back to Bethlehem.

Naomi told Ruth to stay in Moab, but Ruth went with her.

Since Ruth was unmarried and had no children she was not aloud to have land rights.

Ruth remarried to a man named Boaz.

She had a son named Obed, who later Became the King of Israel.

By: Maggie

Anonymous said...

1. Alexander the Great 356-323 B.C.
Was Macedonian king and general and fought for land.

2. David reinged from 1000-970 B.C. Defended Isreal from the Amalikites and the Philistines.
Birth date and death date is unknown!

3. Pericles 495-429 B.C. Helped fight off enemy tribes, villiges, towns, and maybe even cities. He also built a city the world would never forget.

Anonymous said...

1.Elizabeth 1 1533-1603 one of the most popular British rulers
2.Queen Nzinga 1582-1663 Angolan Warrior leader
3.Empress Theodora A.D. 500-548 began life in lower class rose to rank of Empress

Anonymous said...

-Queen nzinga 1582-1663,AFRICA she freed slaves.

cathirne de' Medici 1519-1558
she declared feedom of worship.

she stud up for her rights.

Anonymous said...

I would like to do:
Empress Theodora
c A.D.500-548
Theodora helped gain more rights for

Queen Nzinga
c 1582-1663
Nzinga negotiated a peace agreement
between her people and the Portuguese.

Murasaki Shikibu
c A.D973-1025
Murasaki was a great novelist and a poet of the Japanese Heian period.

Anonymous said...

The three people I picked were Queen Nzinga,Elizabeth 1,and Prince Shotoku.

Queen Nzinga 1582-1663
Nzinga was the daughter of the king of the Ndongo people.The Ndongo peple lived in Southwest Africain what toaday is called Angola.Even though she was a femal,Nzinga knew she could be a strong leader.

Elizabeth 1 1533-1603
She was born to hnery the 8th and his second wife Anne Boleyn.Elizabeth never married wich was unusal at the time.One reason Elizabeth probably remained single was to maintain control of thegovernment at a time when most ruler were men.

Prince Shotoku 573-621
Prince Shotoku was born into the powerful Soga family,as the second son Emporer Yomei.Shotoku's real name is Umayado.According to the legend ,Shotoku's mother gave birth to him while she was inspecting the Emporer's stables.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Augustus was born in a welthy family southest of Rome.
augustus was the first Roman Emporer.

Leonardo Da Vici
Leonardo started his art work at the age 15.
Leonardo was born in Vinci,Italy.

Otzi the Iceman
Otzi was beleaved to be a shepord.
Sientists believe that Otzi lived 5,300 years ago.